Dog Squad's new training grounds
'Bank at d new training grounds'
Anyway, PetnU hs sinced move to an even better n more central training grounds at YMCA, Brickfields. Feel free to drop by at d new n spacious training grounds to hv a chat with d trainers, members n fellow dog lovers. Here, training sessions r always conducted in a proper fenced, grass field which is comfortable, safe n secure for dogs.
OB & Agility Training Session:
9 – 10 am every Sunday; fees RM200 for 10 hourly sessions.
Social Sunday Sessions:
8 – 9 am, 10 – 11 am
D Social Sunday morning sessions r open to all dog lovers n dogs who r non-aggressive n controllable. Purpose is to provide a secure n fun environment for dog lovers (particularly those with some knowledge of basic OB) who seek an outlet for their dogs to play, exercise n socialize.
As usual, field n warehouse rental costs will b shared amongst all participants n trainers, with fees fixed at RM50/mth/owner. Agility equipment will b available for use, plus tips on d side on various dog sports n activities eg. tricks, heelwork to music, frisbee n OB. Dese arent formal training sessions but more of voluntary sharing of experience by dog sports enthusiasts, with emphasis on casual fun for both dog n owner.
House rules
1. K9 shld b non-aggressive n controllable.
2. K9 shld b fairly reliable off leash n hv a decent recall.
3. K9 n owner shld preferably hv some knowledge of basic OB training.
4. K9 shld b under constant supervision n on leash, except whilst taking part in dog sports or activities or play sessions.
5. Puppies (fully vaccinated) r welcomed n will only have to pass d 1st criteria.
6, Only responsible dog owners need apply.
Map to Training Grounds can be viewed at YMCA Brickfields
'Here v go!'
'D Dog Squad is up n running n better den ever b4 ...'
this new ground had much better grass quality...i don't think it would b tat muddy like sedaya after rain...
Oh cool! How selfish of those people... Just becoz his son wants to play football there. Can't they arrange the time with you guys? I mean it's more fair afterall it's NOT his field & you guys are paying the rental every month. Oh well...
But I think having classes at DYMCA Brickfields is better becoz there's more exposure & people CAN SEE. At Sri Sedaya School, you guys are like almost hidden. So good choice of place guys! We might drop by one day just to check out the new grassy field. But need to make arrangements 1st, hehe!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer & her mommmy Melissa
But I really do enjoy d muddy patches after rain, ha ha
Sure, do drop by 2 hv a look c anytime, Amber
oh yea, nearly forgotten tat ur actually a mudlover...
mayb u might consider digging up a new wan @ d new field...hahah...
So you're all better now?
Are you gonna be at the DWB 1 year anniversary international Wine & Cheese Chat Pawty next week end? I sure hope so! For details on how to sign up, visit my blog and click on the Wine & Cheese Chat Pawty button.
Bussie Kissies
Yup back 2 my groovy self now, thks Buster.
Wow wine n cheese party, sounds very posh n all dat. Will try n make it. Cheers
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