Dog Squad goes to Charity Fun Fair
'Lion at agility'
Well known public crusader, Datuk Michael Chong, also graced d event to lend support. With so many humans n kids around, v were under a little pressure to behave n perform on d day. As usual, it got fairly hot come performance time n most of us preferred staying in d shade. Bank d GR got things started by retrieving a scroll n delivering d list of our performances to d MC, he got to b on stage 4 dis whilst d rest of us watched from d field. Thankfully his salivating problem wasn’t apparent n d scroll was delivered in 1 piece n still dry. Wasn’t always like dat during practice n v feared dat d scroll wld turn into paper-mache, but Bank did us proud by holding his drool till he was off stage.
'Ok, ok ... I'll let go if u let go first'
My heelwork to music demo was on n again missed a few twists n cues from my dance partner. Not too bad n completed d 3 minute routine to d tune of ‘Johnny’s Mambo’ by Michael Lloyd & Le Disc from d Dirty Dancing soundtrack. Nice upbeat n swaying music with plenty of brass. Crowd enjoyed d ‘Hop onto Back’ n ‘Hop onto Feet’ moves. 'Lion dancer wannabe'
8 of our agility teams den raced through a fast n packed intermediate jumpers course of 20 obstacles. Russell n Bank provided some comic relief by running 4 d nearest tent or stalls 4 cover, but dey recovered to finish deir runs eventually. Our handlers must hv also bn feeling d heat coz most of dem forgot d sequence of jumps n tunnels, so v hd to cope with deir ‘Oops, where’s d next obstacle?’ looks n pretend like v cld read d course notwithstanding. Audience didnt really mind n were more engrossed by d sight of us dogs running n jumping helter-skelter over d obstacles.
Angel d BCollie performed her helicopter jumps as part of her set of tricks. D High Jumper was d final act which Pacco glided effortlessly over 26" n den decided d rest wasn’t worth attempting as there weren’t any prizes at stake. Sissy got over 28” n said dat’s high enough 4 today. MC placed me under d spotlight by asking me to hv a go at 31”. My owner wasn’t too sure about whether I was able to jump d height as d event was d domain of d large n long legged dogs. Well, I’m a small n long legged mutt …. n must say dat I surprised most people (owner included) by clearing d bar with a couple of massive leaps, groovy!
V decided to sign off by performing d group down stay with all of us lying close to each other n neatly in a row for dat perfect family photo, but v didn’t do too well in d heat. Well, back to d training grounds den. 'Pacco's trick of d day: Count Dracula impersonation'
'Anyone seen Cami around?' Crowd seemed well entertained by d variety of acts n v received a lot of intense petting n brushing from passerbys, kids wanted to take photos n play with us n there were a fair number of praise going around 4 d Dog Squad. V appeared quite settled n relaxed mostly. A foreigner even commented dat he was pleasantly surprised to c a group of dogs being so calm n collected at a public event, nice one guys! Ha ha, he hasn’t seen wat v actually get up to at our training grounds in YMCA.
After all dat heavy petting, I really need a vacation.
'I'm gonna be a jockey someday'