Monday, April 16, 2007

Dog Squad's new training grounds

PetnYou hd to gv up d Subang training grounds recently just bcoz some VIP’s son at d Subang school wished to play football at d same field. Pretty selfish of dem I reckon, considering dat dey only used the field on one Sat morning n not much more after dat. Well, just 1 of dose things bout being a dog in dis country.

'Bank at d new training grounds'

Anyway, PetnU hs sinced move to an even better n more central training grounds at YMCA, Brickfields. Feel free to drop by at d new n spacious training grounds to hv a chat with d trainers, members n fellow dog lovers. Here, training sessions r always conducted in a proper fenced, grass field which is comfortable, safe n secure for dogs.
'In or out'

OB & Agility Training Session:
9 – 10 am every Sunday; fees RM200 for 10 hourly sessions.

Social Sunday Sessions:
8 – 9 am, 10 – 11 am
D Social Sunday morning sessions r open to all dog lovers n dogs who r non-aggressive n controllable. Purpose is to provide a secure n fun environment for dog lovers (particularly those with some knowledge of basic OB) who seek an outlet for their dogs to play, exercise n socialize.

As usual, field n warehouse rental costs will b shared amongst all participants n trainers, with fees fixed at RM50/mth/owner. Agility equipment will b available for use, plus tips on d side on various dog sports n activities eg. tricks, heelwork to music, frisbee n OB. Dese arent formal training sessions but more of voluntary sharing of experience by dog sports enthusiasts, with emphasis on casual fun for both dog n owner.

House rules
1. K9 shld b non-aggressive n controllable.
2. K9 shld b fairly reliable off leash n hv a decent recall.
3. K9 n owner shld preferably hv some knowledge of basic OB training.
4. K9 shld b under constant supervision n on leash, except whilst taking part in dog sports or activities or play sessions.
5. Puppies (fully vaccinated) r welcomed n will only have to pass d 1st criteria.
6, Only responsible dog owners need apply.

Map to Training Grounds can be viewed at YMCA Brickfields

'Here v go!'
I like dis place coz its a really huge field with plenty of soft grass on which I cn run n jump around like a hotdog. New areas n corners to sniff n checkout as well. Hey, d action photos at dis new place even look crisper n sharper ... or perhaps it's just my owner who hs finally overcome his shaky hands syndrome. D humans hv deir work cut out 4 dem as d storeroom is a little further from d field n dey hv 2 lug d agility equipment out so dat v cn play with dem ... haha, bout time dey did some actual work at d training grounds.
As d immortal Village People tune goes,
'It's fun to play at d Y-M-C-A!'

'D Dog Squad is up n running n better den ever b4 ...'

V r truly looking forward 2 d forthcoming PetnYou n PAAPP agility trials on 13 May in Bandar Utama n 9 June in Penang. Watch out 4 us den.

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