Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
SWDC Dogsports - Schutzhund, Agility n ... Musical freestyling, anyone?
Course layout for Jumpers n Novice classes were very basic n simple, which is fair enuf given dat dis is d 1st SWDC trials. Think dat Malaysian dogs hv progressed in d sport n cn handle more challenging courses going forward … even d Thai judge commented dat our dogs r ahead of Thai in d agility stakes. For dis trial, both runs will count n an average of d 2 runs is taken in determining team standings.
In Jumpers class, Angel n Cami breezed thru d course to capture d maxi n mini titles. Pacco did well in her 1st run but den decided to go on a walkabout in d 2nd, so she just missed out.
Chester d Collie from MKA produced steady composed runs to take d Novice maxi title n prevent d Dog Squad from sweeping all d main prizes.
Dancing to d tune of Michael Buble’s ‘Save d Last Dance for Me’, v certainly added variety n colour to d proceedings. Wasn’t sure how d predominantly macho audience wld take to my prancing about to music but d kids, wives n gfs certainly enjoyed it. Guess dey must hv liked it as well as d Johor Working Dog club even invited me down south to partake in a future charity event. Well, will b prepared n put on my ear muffs d next time around at Schutzhund affairs.
Notice dat there's hardly any agility pics of me ... yet again! Told d humans time n again dat dey hv to set deir cameras to a fast shutter speed to capture d action, but dey never listen n think dat I'm trying to b funny again, sigh.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Sleepover at Cami & Axel’s
'Top - Cami, Bottom - Axel'
Whilst my humans were holidaying in Bangkok, I took d opportunity to go on a vacation of my own at Cami & Axel’s abode in Subang. Both r Cairn Terriers - Cami being overly friendly n accommodating whereas Axel is d exact opposite. He doesn’t take too kindly to other dogs n hs more enemies then frens, hence his nickname - ‘Mafia’. Strangely enuf, he and I hv an understanding n do get along pretty well notwithstanding our wrestlemania idiosyncrasies
'Errrr guys, u hv to learn to treat ur guests well n gv dem more space ... or else, time to get a bigger couch.'
Dese 2 terrier frens of mine tend to laze around n eat quite a fair bit, which is a far cry from my regular habits. In contrast, I prefer to fuss about n follow people from room to room, just to make sure dat dey dun get into trouble or hv way too much fun in my absence … busybody or people’s person, it’s a JRT trait. Hd a grand time exploring d house n garden n jumping onto d humans’ bed. Unlike my humans, Cami’s owners weren’t used to sharing beds with an excitable JRT. Hence, to prevent me from jumping on n off deir bed, I was placed on d floor with Cami n Axel … plus I hd to b leashed to a desk to prevent anymore bedroom gymnastics n sleepless nites, sheesh.
Well, its their loss anyway as I was just trying to show them how to fluff their bed in order to get a good nite’s sleep.
During meal times, dese fellas do enjoy playing d Fastest Eating game a lot. Needless to say, I struggled to keep pace n ended up last in all events. After finishing deir kibble, dey’ll then proceed to a stakeout over my food bowl, just waiting for d opportunity to pounce on any leftovers. Hence, hd to be extra wary for if I were to turn away even for a sec, either Cami or Axel or both of them will be in my bowl, gobbling up d remnants … dey really do enjoy food! They even hd breakfast in d mornings.
'Here we go again!'
V soon learnt to share most things including food, toys, sofas, morning n evening walks n even sleeping space.
But deir owner tended to hog d notebook which means I didn’t get my usual blogging slot … must bring my own d next time around. Did I mention dat dey enjoy snoozing a lot?